Join Gathering Ground’s favorite singing mystic, Carrie Newcomer and friends in the studio for release of her newest album: Until Now . “We have all lived through a time of great unraveling,” Newcomer says. “Yet, with great disruption comes a possibility for change. We can’t just be healed; we must be transformed.” Though the album is set to release in September, Carrie Newcomer, pianist Gary Walters, bassist Paul Kowert (Punch Brothers), guitarist Jordan Tice (Hawktail), and violinist Allie Summers come together to offer you an intimate, in-studio sneak peek.
Part I: Livestream Concert at 5PM Pacific. $20 admission
Part II: Special Conversation with Carrie & the Band at 6:30 PM Pacific. Cost: an additional $15 admission for $35 total. Pulitzer-nominated writer and speaker Judy Valente will moderate the conversation between Carrie, her band, and her fans. Tune in to hear the stories behind the songs.
Gathering Ground will be one host among other groups of this concert. RSVP on our unique URL below for the online event, pay Carrie’s team to attend, Gathering Ground receives 20%, and you fill your heart with songs of transformation.
Technical Notes:
On the Mandolin website, select a dropdown to chose the Concert alone, or Concert + Conversation.
Please note that the RSVP takes you to an online concert platform Mandolin. You’ll receive an electronic ticket from Mandolin, then will need to create a profile on their site to log on.
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