Sunday JANUARY 10. CRAFTING: Introduction to SoulCollage®


Sunday JANUARY 10. CRAFTING: Introduction to SoulCollage®

from $0.00

Join into a creative collage process that opens a threshold into one's inner life. SoulCollage is deeply satisfying art that anyone can do. Learn to intuitively collage images found in magazines together onto cards (and in SoulCollage, each card reflects an aspect of yourself!). Then get a taste of how you can consult your cards to reveal your own wisdom and help navigate life’s passageways and portals. You'll end up with something beautiful you made yourself, along with some new insights.

Attendance capped at 10 people. Reserve your spot early: crafting workshops are popular!

Julia Field, a skilled leader of visual arts workshops and SoulCollage® facilitator, will lead us. There will be time for reflection and creating, as well as chances to share and listen to other participants, at a level you feel comfortable with.

Please bring some images or magazines or calendars (whatever’s handy will have the right images), a glue stick or something else that’ll stick papers together, 5 x 8” card blanks (you can cut some from file folders or shoeboxes - get creative!), and some scissors.

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