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Community Gathering on Zoom: Land Acknowledgements as Sacred Practice

We’ll be gathering, with reflection, somatics, and sharing in community, around land acknowledgements. July’s gathering around land acknowledgements was so rich that we were all eager to continue the exploration.

What are land acknowledgements? What can we learn when we bring awareness and intention to our cultural patterns and ongoing history of relating to land, water, and the life around us? How can land acknowledgements call us into kinship with the human and more-than-human world?

In 2024, we are gathering around the theme of imperfection. Things fail to live up to how we and others would like them to be. We experience illness, disability, and death – as individuals, families, societies, and ecosystems. What is (im)perfect, and who decides? How do we respond to “imperfection” in ourselves and in the world around us? How do we find wisdom (or beauty, joy, or love) in “imperfection”? Join us as we share, read, move, create, rest, and play with imperfection!

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Email for any questions or access needs, and to receive the Zoom link.

Later Event: August 17
Awe Walk